Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tricep Kick-backs

This exercise will help you get rid of your underarm jiggle.

1. Stand to the side of a wheel-less chair, knees soft, holding a 2-3 pound book in your left hand (please refer to our book weight chart).

2. Position right knee on the chair, bend at the waist, keeping your abs tight, with upper body and left arm parallel to the floor.

3. Your upper left arm is not moving at all, it should remain close to the body.

4. Extend your left forearm straight up.

5. Squeeze your triceps at the top.

6. Bring left arm back to start position and repeat 12 times.

7. Switch sides with your left knee now on the chair and the book in your right hand.

8. Repeat steps 2-6.

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