Friday, January 17, 2014

Time To Do Book Shelving Squats!

Materials: A cart of books to be shelved in the same location
1. Have the bookcart within reaching distance of your body.
2. Facing a bookshelf stand with your feet hip width apart.
3. Toes pointing towards the bookshelf.
4. Arms at your side.
5. Grab a book from the cart hold it in one hand.
6. Bringing your arms out in front of you slowly bend at the knees as if you were taking a seat in a chair. Your knees should not extend past your toes.
7. Shelve the book with one hand making room on the shelf with your other.
8. Repeat steps 4-6 alternating hands until you have shelved between 8-12 books.
9. Once you can do 12 squats easily add another set.

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