Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Start the Presses!
(Alternating Overhead Arm Presses*)

It's National Library Week! Let's celebrate by grabbing two books and following the directions below:

1. Stand, holding a book in each hand (click here for our Book Weight Chart) and in alignment with your ears (elbows bent parallel with the floor).

2. Looking straight ahead (neck in neutral position), press the right arm up, while keeping the left arm in place.
3. Engage the abs to keep the rest of the body stable. Make sure not to arch your back as you press the book weights up.
4. Lower the right arm to starting position, press the left arm up overhead.
5. Alternate 10-12 times.
6. Complete 1-3 sets.
7. Be sure to keep the movements slow and controlled.

*If you are familiar with the traditional overhead press (arms lifted upwards at the same time) this variation offers a safer alternative because there is less risk of pinching a nerve in the neck area. Also, by alternating the arms, one arm is holding its position while you press up with the other arm, making the move more difficult. As an added bonus, your abs and back will work harder to keep your body steady during this exercise!

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