Friday, April 18, 2014

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): The Gluteus Maximus of the Chocolate Easter Bunny

There are many things I love about Easter. Besides getting together with family, I look forward to my nephews hunting for their Easter eggs. They are soon to be 18 and 16-years-old but are such caring young men that they are still willing to do anything that makes grandma happy (it doesn't hurt that there is now money inside the plastic eggs). I also eagerly await my mother-in-law's Easter bread, and, because butt jokes never get old, I annually enjoy the resurfacing of this cartoon:

However, since the creation of our blog the above cartoon got me thinking, just how much exercise does it take to work off eating the gluteus maximus of one chocolate Easter bunny? I found the following calorie count on the National Institute for Fitness and Sports website. The calculations are based on a person who weighs 150 pounds.

6-oz. hollow chocolate bunny: 858 calories
How to burn it off: Running at a 10 min/mile pace for 90 minutes

7-oz. solid chocolate bunny: 1,100 calories
How to burn it off: Playing full-court basketball for 2 hours

2 Dark Chocolate-Covered Peeps: 110 calories
How to burn it off: Walking for 30 minutes at 3 mph

4 Peeps: 128 calories
How to burn it off: Low-impact aerobics for 25 minutes

35 jelly beans: 140 calories
How to burn it off: Raking the lawn for 30 minutes

1 Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg: 180 calories
How to burn it off: Jumping jacks for 20 minutes

10 Cadbury Mini Eggs: 158 calories
How to burn it off: Ballroom dancing for 30 minutes

1 Cadbury Creme Egg: 150 calories
How to burn it off: Golfing while walking and pulling clubs for 30 minutes

If your Easter candy of choice is not listed above you might also try this handy online Easter candy calorie calculator: click here for calculator

Based on the above figures I am guesstimating that when I bite into the gluteus maximus of a 6-oz hollow chocolate bunny I am eating at least 1-oz of chocolate. This translates to about 143 calories. Since I am not much of a chocolate bunny fan, I will probably pass (maybe opting for that extra piece of Easter bread --LOL).

I am also going to suggest that we all take a break from our indulging this holiday and take a walk around the block. Perhaps it will be the start of a new family tradition.

Hop on my friends, hop on!


  1. This is a great post - how many calories does hopping provide ?

    1. Great question. Using jumping jacks as a form of hopping, a 150 pound person would need to perform vigorous jumping jacks for 94 minutes to burn the 858 calories in a 6 oz. hollow chocolate bunny. If you are interested in a more precise calorie count based on your own weight a "calorie burned" calculator for jumping jacks and various other exercises can be found at this website:
