Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Baseball Season is Upon Us:
Let's Work on Strengthening our Wrists

Baseball season has started (yeah!). While we don't know the demographics of all our followers, here in New York either you root for the Mets or the Yankees (Let's Go Mets!). The following wrist strengthening exercises are for anyone who has ever fantasized about being called on to fill in as a pitcher in the major leagues (sorry to Mets pitcher Bobby Parnell, for his injury on opening day), or works at a keyboard for many hours.

Wrist Flexion
1. With forearm resting on the arm of a chair make a fist with palm facing up.
2. Wrist should be in neutral position.

3. Bend your wrist up towards the ceiling.
4. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly return to starting position.
5. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.
6. Switch arms and repeat steps 1 through 5.

Wrist Extension
1. With forearm resting on the arm of a chair make a fist with palm facing down.
2. Wrist should be in neutral position.

3. Bend your wrist down towards the floor.
4. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly return to starting position.
5. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.
6. Switch arms and repeat steps 1 through 5.

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