Friday, April 4, 2014

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel):
Forgive Me For Going Off Topic but... "What is Facebook Doing"?!

If you are reading this you know a lot more about Facebook than I do (basically nothing) or you have received this post via email. The Fit Librarian was happy to recently join the Facebook world. However, after a few local followers asked us when we were going to post (directly after we had posted) we became slightly dismayed. Why weren't all our followers seeing our posts?! After much research (good thing I am a librarian), I learned that our posts were not going into everyone's main feed. For some followers, it appears on the left-hand side of the page listed under “Pages” and then "Pages Feed." Prior to my knowing this information, I too had briefly wondered why I was not receiving updates from the very important groups I subscribed to (like Michaels Crafts and New York Mets!). Voila, now I know! They can all be found in that very same place! So, spread the word to others who are not "in the know." They might be missing out on important groups that they follow (like The Fit Librarian, for example)

I also am testing a theory with this post. A speech bubble with information appears when I hover over the words "The Fit Librarian" on our posts to Facebook. It is my hypothesis that when I go to the word "Liked" in this speech bubble and leave a check mark on the "Get Notifications" choice, I will receive updates in my regular feed. I will let you know what happens!

Meanwhile, enjoy what is supposed to be a beautiful weekend....walk on my friends, walk on.

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