Monday, March 3, 2014

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel):

10,000 Steps

Hi! From time to time I (Rachel), will be posting an entry written just by me.

We all know the importance of exercise but I keep coming upon statistics that are staggering. Last night I read an article (from: The Training Edge Spring 2014 issue) that said an estimated 86% of full-time American workers sit all day on the job! 86%! That is crazy! With that in mind, today I will be writing about walking 10,000 steps a day.

Suddenly walking 10,000 steps a day seems to be all the rage in the fitness world. To me, it sounds a lot easier then the 30 Day Plank Challenge that I tried last month. I made it to a 3 minute plank (day 23) and then started having elbow pain. Totally not worth it! But walking is something I can do! So, being curious, I looked up just how far 10,000 steps translated to in distance and discovered it is approximately 5 miles. Hmmm, that is far, but I am up for this challenge! To help me along I have downloaded a pedometer app called "Steps" onto my phone. I am not sure if it is the perfect app but it was free (there are many free ones on the market) and so far it seems to be accurate. I hope the weather will cooperate but I also plan on trying to get up and walk more often at work. Instead of calling a co-worker with a question I am going to actually walk over to their office. Won't they be surprised!

For more incentive I joined "Jenna’s fitness challenge: Take 10,000 steps in the right direction." Jenna, being Jenna Wolfe from NBC. Click on this link if you want more information: 30 Days to a Better You: Are you up for Jenna's challenge?

So I leave you today, with this cartoon. Walk on my friends, walk on!

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