Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hip Abductors with Arthur

We never know who is going to come into the library. Today we had a celebrity sighting, and much to our delight he agreed to model for our blog.

1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2. Keeping posture upright, gently touch your desk or a bookshelf with your right hand for balance.
3. Place all of your body weight onto your right leg.
4. Lift your left leg directly out to the side about 12 inches from the ground.*

5. Hold for 1-2 seconds and bring back toward the right leg without actually touching the ground.
6. Repeat 10-12 times to complete 1 set.
7. Switch sides.
8. Do 1-3 sets on each side.

*For an added challenge, as Arthur is showing in the top picture, try not holding on to anything.

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