Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Get in Shape at Your Desk

Stuck at your desk all day? We all know that too much sitting is linked to obesity and heart disease. Try fitting in these exercises during your day (on your break of course).

Seated Crunches
Targets: Abdominals

1. Sit up straight in your chair.
2. Grab hold of the armrests.
3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and then bend your body forward.

4. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds before returning to the start position.
5. Repeat 25-30 times.
6. If your break is not yet over complete 2 sets and then go to the next exercise!

The Desk Pushup*
Targets: Arms and Shoulders

1. Stand up and face your desk.
2. Place your hands, shoulder-width apart.
3. Step back so you’re about three feet away from the desk.
4. Keeping your back and legs in a straight line, lower down until your chest almost touches the desk.

5. Push yourself back up.
6. Repeat 15-20 times completing 2 sets.

*This exercise can also be done while standing at the copy machine!

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