Friday, November 16, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): I Ran the NYC Marathon!

Hi Everyone!

In case you have been wondering about my NYC Marathon experience it was TOTALLY AWESOME! First of all, Sunday, November 4th, the day of the marathon was perfect weather for running (as well as a perfect day for thousands, maybe millions of spectators). I am not a religious person but the weather gods were definitely on our side for the race. Somehow a beautiful day managed to sneak in between two horrible weather days. So lucky!

Now to the race itself. I was the last group of runners to start which meant that we didn't hear our starting cannon until 11:00 am. Again, thank goodness it was a nice day because we arrived at 6:30 am and were outside the entire time.

The Verrazzano bridge was where the party started. This perfect weather day made that great as well - not windy, not cold, just a delightful view to enjoy while running on the bridge.

I will not bore you with every part of my run but I was so busy watching out for my family and friends, listening to the bands, high-fiving people, and reading the signs that spectators were holding that the miles just went by without my realizing I was even running.

What follows are some photos. Some I found online and some were taken by friends. They really demonstrate the fun that was had that day.

This was some of the entertainment along the route:

These were some of the great signs that I passed as I ran:

These are two of my friends who came to cheer me on!

This is me at mile 26:

Selfie after the finish line:

A good friend of mine was volunteering after the finish line with the Red Cross:

So as you can see I had a great time. My long hours of training paid off and I felt good throughout the race. Would I do it again?!?!? That is a definite maybe! I do plan on putting my name in the lottery again so I will keep you posted!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): Even More Things NOT to say to Someone Running in a Marathon

It's hard to believe but the NYC Marathon is now only a week away! My prior post was so well received that I had to add more comments that I have been told while training. So without further ado here are more things that definitely should NOT be said to someone running in a marathon. They are:

Comment: "Do you need a ride?"

Response: I was asked this question when I was about 8 miles away from my home by someone who knew I was training for the NYC Marathon. Did they not see that I was in full running gear, exercising on purpose? No, I do not need a ride, but maybe you could have offered me a bottle of water!

Comment: "Do you know how to get to .............?"

Response: This has happened to me multiple times. I just love it when people stop their vehicle in the middle of the road to ask me for directions. One time it was actually while I was running in the pouring rain. Do I look like a map? Don’t you have navigation on your phone? Can you not interrupt my workout, please!

Comment: "Did you hear about that guy who died running a marathon? Do you think you are up to it?"

Response: I thank you for your concern. Sure, there are occasional unfortunate incidences involved in any sport. But what about the hundreds of thousands of people whose health has been improved by running and other forms of exercise? I think there is a greater risk of death today to individuals who choose not to do any type of activity. That said, I will take my chances on running.

Comment: "Aren't you worried about having a heart attack? That happens a lot during marathons you know."

Response: Studies show that about 1 in 200,000 people suffer cardiac arrest while running. I have a strong heart. I will be fine. Again, thanks for your concern.

Comment: "Aren't you bored when you run?"

Response: Well of course I am bored when I run endless miles. It is mind numbing. But there are also beautiful things to see and discover while running. And, I have listened to many, many great books during these runs. That said, being that I am a librarian, I wonder if all my hours running would be considered a tax write off?

Comment:"Aren't you concerned about your safety? So many terrible things have been happening in public spaces."

Response: While there is no guarantee of anything in life I feel that every security measure necessary is being taken to ensure the safety of all the runners. The NYC Marathon works in close collaboration with the NYPD and federal, state and city partners to make sure this happens.

Comment: "The long range forecast is predicting rain. Are you still going to run?"

Response: Sadly rain is a possibility. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't. It would stink for both the runners and all our fans. Unfortunately there is nothing any of us can do to change the weather. And, in answer to your question, yes, I am still going to be running if it rains.

Comment: "You don’t look like a runner."

Response: Thanks for that. Yes, I know I don’t look like a gazelle. But being skinny with muscular quads and calves is not a requirement to be a runner. We come in all shapes and sizes.

Comment: "Why are you finishing so many hours after the winning runners?"

Response: Firstly, the winning runners are incredibly fast. I am sure I have mentioned how slow I am. The winners can run 2 miles in the time it takes me to run 1. Secondly, the elite runners are starting hours before me. My start time is not until 11:00 am. By the time I start my run the winners are back in their hotel room enjoying a post race massage.

Comment:"I ran a 6.2 marathon once. How long is the marathon you are running?"

Response: I know I addressed this in my prior posting but I CONTINUALLY get this comment. A marathon is ALWAYS 26.2 miles. Kudos for your running 6.2 miles (or a 10K race as it is most often called) but it is NOT a marathon. A marathon is 26.2 long, hard miles!

Comment: "Are you really going to do this?"

Response: Again, I know I wrote something similar in my last blog post but I am asked this question again and again. Yes, insanely, I am choosing to do this. I trained for many months. I woke up crazy early during the summer to avoid the heat. I ran through all kinds of weather. I am ready. No matter how slow I may run, there is virtually nothing that is going to stop me from crossing the finish line.

If anyone would like to follow my progress on November 4th download the NYC Marathon app or come in person and cheer me on. I am runner #64307.

The next time you hear from me I will be a marathoner!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): What NOT to Say to Someone Training for a Marathon

The NYC Marathon is now only 5 weeks away. Well meaning friends and family have been making some comments that frankly I could do without. I decided to share some of these comments with you so that you too can know what someone training for a marathon does NOT want to hear. They are:

Comment: "It's okay if you can't finish, the great thing is that you started."

Response: WHAT??? It certainly is not okay. I trained for months, I am ready, there is absolutely no way that I am not finishing. If I have to crawl to the finish line, I am finishing!

Comment: "My friend (relative, co-worker, etc...) hit the wall at mile 20. Do you think you will have that problem?"

Response: Again, I have trained for months, I have run miles and miles and then more miles, I have no intention of hitting a wall. I have every intention of knocking it over and crushing it!

Comment: “How long is the marathon you are doing? I did a 3 mile race once.”

Response: Congratulations on your 3 mile race. That is awesome. The marathon I am running is 26.2 miles because that is the distance of every marathon.

Comment: “Don’t you get tired?”

Response: Yes, of course I get tired. Don’t you get tired after a long day at work? Now imagine running 5-10 miles before even starting that long day at work. I am tired all the time.

Comment: "What will happen if you have to go to the bathroom while you are running? I heard some runners pee down their leg."

Response: I have no plans on peeing down my leg. I hope not to have to go to the bathroom during the race. If however I do need to pee I am seeking out a port-a-potty. I fully understand that I therefore will be giving up any chance of coming in first.

Comment: "I heard that many runners are sick at the end of the race. Sometimes even throwing up."

Response: I have no intentions of being sick or throwing up at the end of the race. I have every intention of going out to dinner with any friends and family who have patiently waited for me to finish my 26.2 miles and enjoying a steak and a cold beer.

Comment: “Do you think you will win?”

Response: Uh no, I actually know for a fact that I will not win. Unless about 40,000 people decide not to run it is not likely that I will be winning (I do however think I might be able to beat the other 10,000).

So there you have it. A list of things NOT to say to someone training for the marathon. I do however really enjoy words of encouragement. They go a long way (in fact they will be going 26.2 miles)!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): 26.2 Miles is really far!

Did you ever think just how far 26.2 miles is? Last Friday, my training run to prepare for the NYC Marathon was my furthest to date. It was 7 miles. My wife was working in East Williston so I decided to run there to meet her. If you are familiar with our town I was trying to avoid hills so she dropped me off at Bar Beach on West Shore Road and away I went. When I arrived at our meeting spot in East Williston I discovered I had only run 5.5 miles. I still need to run another 1.5 miles! Wait, how could this be?!?!? I started in Port Washington, went through Roslyn, into East Williston and still hadn't reached the mileage I needed! I went through 3 towns! Doesn't that sound really, really far?!?! Well, to reiterate, it was not far at all, it was only 5.5 miles away!

In order for our readers to be able to understand just how far a marathon is I will tell you two destinations that are 26.2 miles away:

1. Leaving from my house in Port Washington, then going all the way to exit 11N on the Belt Parkway (the exit for the Kings Plaza Shopping Center on Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn) is 26.2 miles.

2. Leaving my house and going all the way to the Deer Park Shopping outlet, exit 51 on the Long Island Expressway is only 24.5 miles away. I would still need to run 1.7 miles before I could go shopping!

So, I leave you with this revelation.....26.2 miles is really far!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): I Am All About Kale Shakes

I know this will not come as a surprise to our readers as I have shared this in previous blog entries .....I do not always eat as healthy as I should. Throughout my day I love to snack. However, now that I am training for the NYC MARATHON, I am paying extra attention to the food I put in my body. I have started making and bringing a shake to work everyday. I make it in the morning using an ordinary blender. I looked at many recipes online and in books and then came up with my own concoction.

My recipe: Basically I throw in 2 handfuls of kale (about 2 cups), 1 cup of soy milk, 3 tablespoons of powdered peanut butter, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup beets, 1 ripe banana, 1 cup of ice.

Remember, I am a librarian, not a nutritionist, but how could these ingredients not be good for you?!? I have read many good things about all these foods. Besides containing many great vitamins and minerals they have many other benefits. For example, a number of studies show that beets improves the amount of time it takes you to get tired during exercise (in other words, you have more energy for a longer period). Bananas are not only a great source of carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium but the slow-moving sugar plus the electrolytes found in a banana can help keep your energy level steady throughout long workouts or races. Kale is not only rich in beta-carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C and calcium but it is jam-packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients which is perfect for the injury-prone runner (like me). Blueberries are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Like kale, blueberries are a powerful antioxidant and their anti-inflammatory properties also aid in better muscle recovery.

Thankfully I do not need to be entirely calorie conscious but I did figure out the approximate calorie count of my shake. This is how it breaks down:
Banana - medium size - 105 calories
Beets - 1/4 cup - 15 calories
Blueberries - 1/4 cup - 25 calories
Kale - 2 cups - 50 calories
Peanut Butter Powder - 3 tbls - 75 calories
Soy milk - 1 cup - 90 calories
I drink this shake throughout the day and I do find it very satisfying. At 360 calories it probably adds up to less calories than all the junk food I had been consuming and it is much better for me. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Friday, April 27, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): I am now a Spartan!

This past Saturday (April 21st) was the Citifield Spartan. While training I had started thinking I made a mistake in signing up because there were many obstacles that I would never be able to do. But I truly had a blast!

I was successful in many obstacles. I knew I had strength so slam balls, jerry cans, the sand bag carry and the atlas carry were no big deal at all. I also did well with military hurdles (once I got the hang of them), box jumps (although it was the last obstacle of the day and I was very tired by then), and the a-frame cargo (my favorite), to name a few. Running up and down a gazillion stairs was no problem either.

I also knew that no amount of training would get me over an 8 foot wall or enable me to climb a rope. I just don't have the upper body strength necessary. I did do the first wall climb with the help of my friend but after that I ran a conservative race. I did not want to take a chance and get injured dropping after the wall jump (remember, I am now training for a marathon!) so, 15 burpees for failing. In total I did 60 burpees for missing 3 wall climbs and the rope climb. In all honesty I should have done a total of 90 as I also missed the the spear throw and the rings but 60 was all the burpees I had in me!

So, would I do another Spartan??? Well, despite the obstacles I couldn't complete I had a great day. I was able to do many obstacles. The weather cooperated, I was able to intermittently hang with friends and family members, we had two awesome spectators cheering us on (my wife and a friend), and no one in our group of 9 got hurt! So yes, after I run the NYC Marathon in November I would definitely consider another Spartan. I would also recommend a "Stadium Spartan" to anyone who is a baseball fan as they take place in different ballparks and you get to see areas that a regular fan would not be able to access. Although, if you are not into running endless stairs I would simply recommend taking a stadium tour and you will see the same sights! LOL

Some photos from the day:

Sandbag Carry

A-Frame Cargo

Military Hurdle

Our Group of Proud Finishers!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants & Raves with Rachel): I got into the NYC Marathon!

A lot has happened since my last entry in which I talked about training for the upcoming Spartan Race at Citifield. The bad: I was diagnosed with arthritis in one of my knees. The good: I GOT INTO THE NYC MARATHON for November 2018!!!

I had been trying for years to get into the NYC Marathon with the lottery and lo and behold this year I did! This news was both exciting and terrifying.

Training for the marathon is now my priority. I still plan on participating in the Spartan Race which is in two weeks, so fingers crossed that I don't get injured. Performing tons of box jumps in preparation for the Spartan Race brought to light the fact that I have bad arthritis in my knee (this was discovered after a trip to the orthopedist for the knee pain and then an MRI). So, after a two week plus hiatus from any exercise I am following a 30 week marathon plan. I have taken all jumping and major strenuous activity (Spartan) out of my daily exercise as again, I DON'T WANT TO GET HURT! I am not bailing on the Spartan Race, I just plan on having fun and enjoying the day.

What have you all been up to? Have you been doing any interesting exercise routines? Email us, we would love to hear from you! And don't forget to save the date to come and cheer me on: NYC Marathon, November 4th 2018!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): Exercise Like a Spartan

On Saturday, February 10th I attended a 2 hour class given by the Spartan group. They were calling it the Spartan Strong Workout. It took place at the Lifetime Gym in Garden City. About 100 participants did many, many burpees, jumping jacks, lunges, planks, push ups, squats and more. My wife was observing the class and told me afterwards that some members left after about 45 minutes. It was quite intense but I held my own and made it the full two hours! I could hardly move for the next 2 days but if the class was offered again I would definitely sign up!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): I'm Running a Stadium Spartan!

Happy New Year everyone! It has been awhile since I have posted. With the New Year, I have a new goal. I will be participating in my first Spartan Race.

A Spartan Race is a series of obstacle races of varying distance and difficulty ranging from 3 miles to marathon distances. I am going to be running the Stadium Spartan at Citifield on April 21. It consists of a 5K race with about 15 obstacles. Two of my cousins who have run Spartans before asked if I would like to join them. I am assuming they asked me because I am so buff and tough (lol)! Their team for this event consists of ten members. There is one other woman on the team (a friend of mine). I am the eldest in the group by 5 years.

Some of the obstacles in the past included monkey bars; a spear throw; skips with a massive, heavy, rope; box jumps; a sandbag carry; a rope climb; a traverse wall and a wall climb. Every time you can't complete a task you need to do burpees. I think I might have to do tons of burpees! There are also many, many stadium stairs to climb! Can you believe I willfully signed up for this?!?

During the next few months I am going to keep you updated on my training plan for this event. Who wouldn't want to follow along with my progress?!? For example, yesterday, in addition to running 3 miles on the treadmill I also did the exercises found on the poster below. I know that on the bottom of the poster it indicates that "level 1" should repeat everything 3 times but to be honest I only did everything once. I did have to go to work afterwards and I didn't want to be totally spent!