Tuesday, October 2, 2018

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): What NOT to Say to Someone Training for a Marathon

The NYC Marathon is now only 5 weeks away. Well meaning friends and family have been making some comments that frankly I could do without. I decided to share some of these comments with you so that you too can know what someone training for a marathon does NOT want to hear. They are:

Comment: "It's okay if you can't finish, the great thing is that you started."

Response: WHAT??? It certainly is not okay. I trained for months, I am ready, there is absolutely no way that I am not finishing. If I have to crawl to the finish line, I am finishing!

Comment: "My friend (relative, co-worker, etc...) hit the wall at mile 20. Do you think you will have that problem?"

Response: Again, I have trained for months, I have run miles and miles and then more miles, I have no intention of hitting a wall. I have every intention of knocking it over and crushing it!

Comment: “How long is the marathon you are doing? I did a 3 mile race once.”

Response: Congratulations on your 3 mile race. That is awesome. The marathon I am running is 26.2 miles because that is the distance of every marathon.

Comment: “Don’t you get tired?”

Response: Yes, of course I get tired. Don’t you get tired after a long day at work? Now imagine running 5-10 miles before even starting that long day at work. I am tired all the time.

Comment: "What will happen if you have to go to the bathroom while you are running? I heard some runners pee down their leg."

Response: I have no plans on peeing down my leg. I hope not to have to go to the bathroom during the race. If however I do need to pee I am seeking out a port-a-potty. I fully understand that I therefore will be giving up any chance of coming in first.

Comment: "I heard that many runners are sick at the end of the race. Sometimes even throwing up."

Response: I have no intentions of being sick or throwing up at the end of the race. I have every intention of going out to dinner with any friends and family who have patiently waited for me to finish my 26.2 miles and enjoying a steak and a cold beer.

Comment: “Do you think you will win?”

Response: Uh no, I actually know for a fact that I will not win. Unless about 40,000 people decide not to run it is not likely that I will be winning (I do however think I might be able to beat the other 10,000).

So there you have it. A list of things NOT to say to someone training for the marathon. I do however really enjoy words of encouragement. They go a long way (in fact they will be going 26.2 miles)!

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