Wednesday, November 30, 2016

December Workplace Challenge

Exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Even a brief workout can reap benefits. If anyone who sits a lot at work can somehow incorporate an exercise routine into their daily work schedules, it can make a big difference. You might workout often after work, but sadly it is not enough to counteract the negative effects that come from sitting at a desk as much as we all do. To anyone else who sits a lot (like us) – let’s try to move more! With this said we offer you a December Workplace Challenge. Try to encourage your co-workers to participate with you, it will help keep you motivated and it will be more fun.

Every day that you go to work during the month of December we would like you to:

1. Get up and walk for 5 minutes twice a day. If you can include some stairs all the better!

2. Do one or more exercises from our past blogs once a day. Here are links to some of our favorites but feel free to pick your own:

For your abdominals: Get in Shape At Your Desk

For your arms: Start the Presses! (Alternating Overhead Arm Presses)

For your legs: Squats with a Kick

3. Keep track of your accomplishments. Don't get discouraged if you miss a day, but stay with it. You will be surprised how much better adding that little bit of exercise will make you feel. And, best of all, just in time for the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I am going to try to do it at my job.
