Thursday, June 26, 2014

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): My Addiction to Power Greens

There is a lot of buzz out in the world about the benefits of eating kale, collard greens etc.. Let me tell you, I am seriously addicted! I have always enjoyed eating spinach but decided to try some of the other greens based on all the hype. I started by purchasing a triple washed package by NewStar that contained spinach, baby bok choy and baby red & green chard.

I prepare it in a variety of easy ways -- sauteing with olive oil and garlic on the stove, spraying with olive oil and putting it in an aluminum foil package and grilling (if we are barbecuing anyway), or simply just placing a big pile in a bowl in the microwave for about 1 minute. Months ago when I starting eating these greens nothing else had changing in my diet nor in my exercise routine yet I lost 5 pounds! Since that time, I have become VERY superstitious about these greens and MUST have some every day! According to the season and what we receive from our weekly CSA vegetable delivery, I also add different varieties of kale and other greens to the mixture. Besides my own belief that they are a calorie burner, there of course are great vitamins in these super foods. Below is a link to a pdf from the Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. It is entitled: The Health Benefits of Dark Green Leafy Vegetables and contains information about the greens as well as how to select and store them. It also includes a recipe on how to prepare a spring harvest salad. Have a look:

So, the next time you are out for a walk, pass by a grocery store and pick up some power greens to try - just make sure that if you live in Port Washington you leave some for me when you do!

Walk on my friends, walk on!

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