Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Great Feedback from a Follower!

Recently we received some great feedback from a follower. She told us that she had a standing desk at work but suffered from neck strain. Then she read our blog entry entitled: R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): Take a Stand Against Sitting. In it the correct measurements for using a standing desk were listed. She found out that the desk she had was too low and that she was straining her neck by constantly looking down. She followed the recommendations in the article and her neck pain is now gone!

Remember, as taken from the article referenced in that posting, "the single most important thing in setting up your standing desk is getting the ergonomics down properly. Standing helps your health, but standing at your computer the wrong way can give you back pain, shoulder pain, or neck pain. It’s pointless to stand all day but make yourself feel worse by doing so. Get the right set-up! You want your monitor to be at eye level and at a 20 degree tilt and your keyboard to be at the height of your hands when your forearms are parallel to the ground." That’s pretty much it!

If anyone else has a comment or would like to submit an article for posting please let us know!

Now, as written in the wildly popular young adult book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, as you go about the rest of your busy day, DFTBA*!

*In case you are not cool like us, DFTBA is an acronym meaning "don't forget to be awesome."

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