Wednesday, February 22, 2017

R & R with Rachel (Rants and Raves with Rachel): Can This Be the Next Generation of Standing Desks?!

If you happen to have read my post on May 14, 2014 entitled "Take a Stand Against Sitting" you know that I designed my own standing desk at work. Sitting for hours during the day was killing my body. It is now over 2 years since I made my desk and I am still happily standing for the majority of my work day. While I had initially hoped to be given a treadmill desk I have since read a few opinion articles about them that say that after the newness of the desk wears off walking at 2 m.p.h. all day tends to get a little monotonous. So I continue to happily stand. But I am asking all furniture manufacturers....wouldn't it be great to have a stand up desk on wheels?!?

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