Friday, December 30, 2016

December Workplace Challenge is Coming to an End

Hello everyone!

It is hard to believe that it is the end of December. How did everyone do with the December Workplace Challenge? Did you exercise more? Were you able to occasionally get up, leave your desk and walk around the building? We hope so!

While not everyone stuck with the challenge here at the library, many did. A few staff members had not done any exercise before the challenge and throughout the month were eagerly telling us about their accomplishments. We are so proud of each and everyone of them! It is not easy to fit exercise into the workday and yet they did. They walked the stairs instead of using the elevator, they went to speak to another staff member instead of sending them an email, some even added a little walking time in during their lunch hour.

Remember, just because the challenge is over doesn't mean you have to stop exercising! We hope you all continue to take walking breaks, stretch at your desk, go up and down the stairs, etc.. Your body will thank you.

Here's to a healthier you in 2017!

Friday, December 9, 2016

December Workplace Challenge Continued!

How is everyone doing with their December Workplace Challenge? Are you sticking with it? Were you able to encourage any of your co-workers to make a pledge to exercise with you?

At the Port Washington Public Library we are happy to report that 10 staff members are now participating! We added the incentive of giving out small prizes throughout the month but we don't think that was the reason for any of our participants having joined. It is more about getting in some exercise during the day and the camaraderie of sharing each achievement with a co-worker. A couple of our members at Port Washington have also commented about how much fun they are having. They didn't know that exercise could be both challenging and fun at the same time.

Some of our co-workers have told us that they don't know what do do about the challenge on days they are not working. Remember that you can get in a lot of exercise at home as well. This may sound silly, but instead of piling up a bunch of dishes when you empty the dishwasher take one out at a time and add a squat as you empty the bottom rack. You can do the same thing with laundry. Take one piece of laundry out of the dryer at a time, and squat down each time you do so. You will probably get in about 20 - 40 squats! And, why pay for a Stairmaster? In both our houses we have a bathroom on each floor. If we need to use the bathroom we try to use a bathroom that is on a different floor than the floor we are on. Stairs are tough work!

So, have a great weekend, and make sure to keep having fun with your challenge!