Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lunges (Not Lunch) With Viv*

1. Start with your feet about 6 inches apart, toes pointed forward.
2. Hold a book in each hand** (click here for our Book Weight Chart) Your hands should be at your sides and your shoulders relaxed.
3. Take a big step forward with your right leg while keeping your back upright.
4. Bend your right knee so that it is at a 90 degree angle with the floor without going past your toes.
5. Your left knee should be almost touching the floor. 
6. Push yourself back up to a starting position by keeping your weight on your right heel and your left toes.  You should focus on contracting your right leg and glutes. 
7. Concentrate on doing each rep slowly to avoid knee strain.
8. Repeat 10-12 times on one leg and then switch sides to complete one set.
9. Do 1-3 sets.

*Thank you to Vivian for being an enthusiastic follower, and our guest model for this posting.

**Holding a book is an advanced exercise.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this start with the lunge and nothing in your hands.  If necessary, place your hand on a chair, wall or bookshelf for balance.

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