Tuesday, July 29, 2014

See you in the Fall!

To Our Dedicated Readers:

You may have noticed that we haven't posted anything in a few weeks. We have decided to take the summer off from blogging. Summer is the time to get outside as much as possible and enjoy the long days and beautiful weather. That translates to less computer and blogging time.

Walking, swimming, biking and stand up paddleboarding are just a few things we will be doing for exercise during the summer. What are you doing to keep fit? Please post a comment at the end of this page and let us know.

Walk on my friends, walk on!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Did You Know? No Gym Membership? No Problem!

by Amy

Bodyweight exercises are an excellent way to build muscle, burn fat and increase cardiovascular endurance without the need for equipment. Read on for some motivating reasons for getting into better shape today.

1. They are efficient. Bodyweight exercises combine cardiovascular and strength training in the same exercise. Push-ups are a one example of this type of exercise. Try doing 20 good push-ups to see the effects of bodyweight exercises on your heart rate.

a. Before you begin take a 10 second pulse
b. Start the push-up with straight arms (on your knees or with straight legs)
c. Keep your body straight and your abdominals engaged
d. Slowly bend your arms so your nose is almost to the floor
e. Slowly return to starting position
f. Repeat 20 times
g. Take another 10 second pulse

Did your heart rate increase? If not, congratulations, you are in great shape. Do another 20 and check your pulse again.

2. They are convenient. Bodyweight exercises can be done in most places indoors or outside.

3. They are a great workout. Most bodyweight exercises allow you to exercise more than one muscle group with the same exercise. Here is a list of a few compound movement exercises and the muscles that are used.

Bodyweight ExerciseMuscles Used
Mountain ClimbersAbdominals, Deltoids, Gluts, Hip Flexors, Quadriceps, Triceps
SquatsAdductors, Calves, Gluts, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Walking LungesGluts, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Push-upsAbdominals, Deltoids, Pectoralis, Triceps

4. They are dirt cheap! No need to run out and buy anything. Save money by using the weight you already own and maybe lose some of it in the process.

There are many websites on the Internet with examples of bodyweight exercises, but it is very important to do them correctly. You will find demonstrations for all of the exercises listed above, and many more that do not require equipment, at ACE Fitness* exercise library.

*ACE Fitness is a nationally recognized certifying organization for fitness professionals.